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Dried White Sage
Dried White Sage
White Smudging Sage - Ethically Sourced
Sage is an aromatic plant that’s long played roles in the worlds of both medicine and food. Ancient Romans called sage a salvation plant (literally, salvare, meaning “save” or “cure”), and sage has been used in ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicines for its natural healing properties. Dried sage, especially white sage, was traditionally used by Native Americans, specifically as a method of purification. This is the term that most often springs to mind when we hear the word “smudging.”
How to smudge:
1. open any doors and windows in your home to allow any stagnant or negative energies to leave easily.
2. Light your smudge stick (palo santos or Sage) until it has a small flame, then blow out the flame, it should smoke gently like incense.
3. Walk around your home, clockwise using hand or feather to waft smoke into all areas.
Feel free to use your favorite cleansing prayer or statements!
A favorite of ours:
Into this smoke I release energies that no longer serve me, all negativity that surrounds me, and all fears that limit me!